Knowledge Base

How to log in to your cPanel account

In this article we are going to show you how to log in and out of cPanel enabling you to access the primary area you will use to manage your websites files, databases, email accounts and more.

Logging into cPanel

There are two ways you can access your cPanel hosting account.

  • Method 1: Accessing cPanel through the HostDash client area. We recommend this way for convenience as you will not need to remember a special link nor your username and password.
  • Method 2: Accessing cPanel directly using the log in link, username and password which was emailed to you in the hosting accounts welcome email.

Method 1: Logging into cPanel from the client area

This method requires your client area email address and password. You do not need to know the log in page URL, cPanel username nor cPanel password.

To log in to cPanel using the HostDash client area follow the steps below:

  • Log into your client area account
  • While on the client area dashboard, scroll down until you see a table under the label Package List
  • Once you have found the Package List, locate the web hosting account you would like to log into and click on the cog icon under Actions
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Logging into cPanel from the client area dashboard
  • From the menu that appears, click Login to cPanel

That is it! You’ll now be automatically forwarded to cPanel in a new browser window and be automatically logged in.

Method 2: Logging into cPanel manually

By accessing cPanel directly you will need your cPanel username and password. Your cPanel username and password would have been emailed to you at the time of your accounts creation.

Your cPanel username is not your client area email address. At the time of your hosting account being activated, a welcome email would have been sent to your email address containing your cPanel username and password.

  • In your web browser, navigate to (or for non-HTTPS:
  • You should be presented with the cPanel login page.
  • In the username field, enter your cPanel username which would have been emailed to you at the time of your accounts creation.
  • In the password field, enter your cPanel password which would have been emailed to you at the time of your accounts creation.
  • After entering the correct username and password, click on the Login button to successfully log into your cPanel control panel.

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