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Domain name status codes explained

Every domain has a status associated with it. You can find what status a domain is in by running a WHOIS search. If your domain name is not working, checking your domain’s status is a great starting point. For example, if you are looking to transfer your domain to another registrar but can’t, checking the domain status can tell you if it is locked.

If you would like to check the status of a domain, you can run the domain through a WHOIS database such as

List of domain name status codes


Active represents the standard state of a registered domain name and is set by the registry. You can use these domains for your website, emails and update the domain itself at your domain registrar.


A domain with the Inactive status has been registered though the domain itself is not pointing to any valid DNS server and as a result will not resolve. Generally verifying and correcting your domain nameservers should resolve this.

Registrar Hold

The domain name has been locked by the respective domain registrar. A domain in this status can not be changed nor transferred though you are able to renew your domain name. To restore the ability to modify your domain name, the registrar would need to remove the Registrar Hold status.

Registry Hold

Registry Hold is similar to Registrar Hold but is on a higher level. You will not be able to perform any modifications to the domain though you can renew it. The registry would need to remove this status for your registrar before you are able to make any modifications to your domain name.

Registrar Lock

The Registrar Lock status indicates the registrar has imposed limitations on the ability to modify a domain name. A domain in this status can still be renewed. More times than not, this status is often done upon request of the domain name registrant as an additional security measure.

Registry Lock

Like Registrar Lock, the domain name has certain restrictions imposed on it preventing the domain from being modified or deleted. This lock has bene set on the registry level preventing your registrar from being able to remove it.

Redemption Period

The domain has expired and is now under a Redemption Period typically lasting 30 days at which point the domain name will be scheduled for deletion. A domain in this status can not be used, modified or deleted but can be restored by paying a redemption fee.

Redemption fees are typically significantly higher than your typical registration or renewal fee.

Pending Restore

A domain name which has previously been expired has been made current again and is transitioning back to an Active status.

Pending Delete

A domain name has expired and passed through the grace period and redemption period and is being scheduled to be deleted. Domains in this period typically last for 5 days before it is available for registration again.

Client Delete Prohibited

The domain name has been locked by the respective registrar making it not possible to delete the domain name.

Server Delete Prohibited

Similar to Client Delete Prohibited but on a higher level. The domain name has been locked by the domain registry making it not possible to delete the domain name.

Client Renew Prohibited

The respective domain registrar has imposed a limitation on the domain name preventing it from being renewed. The domain registrar has to remove this limitation before a domain can be renewed.

Server Renew Prohibited

The domain registry has imposed a limitation on the domain preventing it from being renewed. The registry would need to remove this limitation before the domain owner, or registrar can renew the domain name.

Client Transfer Prohibited

The domain name has been locked from being able to be transferred to another domain registrar. This can typically be enabled and disabled by the domain owner. It is highly recommended to leave this enabled while you are not actively transferring your domain for added security.

Server Transfer Prohibited

The registry has imposed a limitation on preventing the domain name from being able to be transferred to another registrar. The registry would first need to remove this before the domain owner, or registrar can transfer a domain name.

Client Update Prohibited

The domain name has limitations imposed by the registrar preventing any settings associated with the domain name from being editable.

Pending Transfer

The domain name is currently being transferred from one registrar to another and as a result, the domain name can not be modified until this completes.

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