If you’re a blogger, you might be looking to monetize your website with affiliate links. While you can do this with almost any WordPress theme, some have been designed for this specific purpose. Therefore, if you want to maximize your profits, it’s important that you choose the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing.

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of suitable options. Whether you’re a product reviewer, professional blogger, or small business owner, you should be able to find a theme that can help you increase your affiliate revenue.

In this post, we’ll discuss what to look for when choosing the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing. Then, we’ll check out eight amazing themes you can use. Let’s dive right in!

What To Look For in the Best WordPress Theme for Affiliate Marketing

You may be wondering what makes an affiliate marketing theme different from other themes. Typically, it comes with features that can help bloggers or business owners promote their affiliate products more effectively.

For example, it might contain areas like sidebars or banners where you can display promo offers and coupons for your affiliate programs. Some affiliate marketing themes even have comparison tables for product review sites, as well as list builders and special post templates.

What features to look for in the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing will largely depend on the type of site you run. For instance, if you have a travel blog, you’ll want a theme that enables you to easily display banners and offers alongside your posts. Meanwhile, if you’re a reviewer, you’ll want features such as price tables and product info boxes with powerful call-to-action buttons. 

However, regardless of the type of website you have, you’ll want to make sure that your theme supports any affiliate plugins that you use. These may include link shorteners like Pretty Links and ThirstyAffiliates. 

The Best WordPress Themes for Affiliate Marketing Websites (8 Options)

Now, we’re going to help you choose the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing by looking at some top contenders.

1. Astra

The first option on our list is a multipurpose theme. Astra can be used for any type of website, including blogs, online stores, and portfolios. 

In fact, the theme offers a wide variety of starter sites. These include designs for tech and business magazines, fashion influencers, travel bloggers, membership sites and online courses, and more:

Astra is one of the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing

It also provides features that can be very useful for affiliate marketing. For example, you can create sidebars with promos and ads, and display them on specific pages only. 

Additionally, the theme supports Web Stories. This means you can create engaging visuals like promo clips for affiliate products and embed them into your site. 

Price: Astra is available as a free and premium theme. The pro version starts at $199 for lifetime access or $49 for a yearly subscription plan.

2. Tripp

If you’re a travel blogger, Tripp might be the best WordPress theme for you. It is specifically designed for content creators in this industry, and contains a lot of useful affiliate marketing features:

Tripp theme is possibly the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing sites that cover travel

For example, it comes with dedicated sections for displaying promotional offers, coupons, and codes. It’s also compatible with affiliate plugins like ThirstyAffiliates, enabling you to manage your links more easily. 

In addition to promoting your travel affiliate programs, you can create reviews for the places you visit. Tripp also lets you add ratings to your posts with rich snippets. You can use stars, points, or percentage ratings to rate hotels, restaurants, attractions, and more. 

Price: Tripp is a premium theme that costs $59. 

3. REHub

REHub is possibly the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing sites that focus on reviews. It can be used for any niche, including tech, digital products, home goods, and more:

REHub is possibly the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing sites that focus on reviews.

With REHub, you’ll get features such as product and specification comparisons, dynamic price updates, and top list builders. The theme also integrates with Content Egg Pro and Affiliate Egg Pro, making it easy to import and display your affiliate products.

You can easily get started with this theme by choosing a demo site in your niche. For example, you’ll find options for course review sites, community magazines that review local businesses, price comparison sites, and more.

Price: You can purchase REHub for $59. 

4. OceanWP

OceanWP is another multipurpose theme you could use for your affiliate marketing site. It has a huge library of website templates, with options for blogs, health and lifestyle sites, business and tech, and a lot more. 

However, it’s especially ideal for online stores. This is because it’s packed with e-commerce features, including product quick view, coupon management, a purchase notifier, and more:

OceanWP demo site

If you sell affiliate products in your online store, this could be the best WordPress theme for you. It’s WooCommerce-ready and also integrates with Easy Digital Downloads. 

Price: You can get started with the free version of OceanWP. To unlock more features, you’ll need to purchase OceanWP Pro. Plans start at $35 per year. 

5. Neve

Like the other multipurpose themes on this list, Neve offers a lot of starter sites for different niches. These include finance blogs, travel and fitness sites, artist portfolios, and more:

Neve's starter template for finance blogs

The theme’s Elementor Booster module gives you access to a lot of handy features for your affiliate marketing strategy. These include review boxes, eye-catching banners, content switchers (ideal for pricing tables), and more. 

Price: Neve is available as a free theme. However, if you want access to features like the Elementor Booster, you’ll need to purchase Neve Pro. Plans start at $69 per year. 

6. Herald

As you may have guessed (based on the name), Herald is primarily a news website theme. However, it can also be used for online magazines:

The Herald theme for affiliate marketing

Most digital publications monetize their content through ads and affiliate marketing, and Herald is equipped with features that can simplify the process. For example, it offers an ads manager with predefined ad slots where you can embed your promo banners. 

Additionally, you can create as many sidebars as you want and assign them to any post, page, or category. This can be very useful if you want to promote different affiliate products on certain pages.

Price: This premium theme is priced at $69. 

7. Zeen

Zeen can be a suitable affiliate marketing theme if you plan to run a blog along with an online shop. You can choose from over 30 pre-built websites in a variety of niches, including travel, fashion, and lifestyle. There are also options for review sites:

Zeen affiliate marketing theme

What’s more, Zeen has a set of features dedicated to affiliate marketing. For example, you can add advertisements anywhere on your site and enable automatic insertion before, in the middle, or at the end of posts. You’ll also get promo boxes and customizable call-to-action buttons. 

Price: Zeen costs $69. 

8. Pixwell

Finally, let’s look at Pixwell. This magazine theme comes with pre-built websites for lifestyle and travel blogs, professional portfolios, digital marketing blogs, review and coupon sites, and a lot more:

Pixwell theme for affiliate marketing

It also offers a lot of affiliate marketing features. For example, you get a “shop the post” element where you can display affiliate products that are relevant to the article. You can also place in-feed ads, promote deals and coupons in dedicated sections, and more. 

Price: Pixwell is a premium theme that you can purchase for $59. 


Choosing the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing can help you promote brands and products more effectively. Ideally, this theme should support popular affiliate plugins and offer plenty of space to display ads and review products. 

If you have a travel blog, you may consider a dedicated theme like Tripp. Meanwhile, product reviewers might want to opt for REHub, which offers features such as comparison tables and dynamic price updates. Plus, multipurpose themes like Astra and OceanWP offer elements such as custom sidebars that enable you to promote affiliate products on specific pages. 

Of course, if you want your online business to succeed, having the best WordPress theme for affiliate marketing isn’t enough – you’ll also need a reliable hosting service to ensure that your website runs smoothly. At HostDash, you’ll find affordable WordPress hosting plans with performance optimization and security features to support a successful affiliate business!

Featured image: Pexels.

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